A word of warning to my fellow Jews who oppose abortion bans — your babies are in the womb!
Jew haters globally believe they have a religious right to murder us outside the womb, whether as children, adults or elderly seniors, just as you believe deeply that you have a religious right to murder pre-born babies inside it.
The power and influence of abortion activists grow through brilliant propaganda campaigns that dehumanize human beings. This further garners billions of dollars in donations and federal funding. If those dollars weren’t earmarked for such heinous atrocities, the number of abortion activists would diminish.
Jew haters similarly amass more power and influence from clever propaganda techniques that dehumanize Jews while simultaneously growing multi-billion dollar war chests, courtesy of donations from United Nations member states and sympathetic organizations.
Sons and daughters of Abraham, please ask yourselves:
Do you feel safe when Hamas supporters march down your street?
Do you feel safe when UNWRA schools hire Palestinian terrorists and Hamas members to teach violence against Jews?
Do you feel safe when only one veto stops a U.N. resolution demanding Israel capitulate to Hamas and lay down its weapons?
Do you feel safe when 19 U.S. senators vote to limit arms sales to Israel?
If you answer those questions honestly, keep reading. If not, you have a long way to go before you can be helped.
Do babies in the womb feel safe when abortion activists disrupt pro-life marches?
Do babies in the womb feel safe when religious leaders fail to acknowledge and defend them?
Do babies in the womb feel safe when state after state passes constitutional rights to kill them without cause?
Do babies in the womb feel safe with no capacity for self-defense and no legal protections under federal law?
Activists, like the woman caught on camera at the recent Boston Men’s March for Life event, serve as puppets for antisemitic, racist abortion profiteers who secretly celebrate every time a Jewish baby or a baby of color perishes in the womb. In addition to the existential threat these activists pose for pre-born babies, they put all Jews at risk by their relentless efforts to expand abortion access around the country, engendering bad feelings toward Jews in people who respect life.
On the other side of the Jewish cultural spectrum, many religious Jews oppose abortion bans because they want authorities to authorize destroying innocent life in the womb for “exceptional” social, mental health and maternal medical issues for which we now have lifesaving alternatives.
When we stop making war on pre-born babies, maybe Jew haters will stop making war on us.