One might wonder whether Biden officials are in touch with reality. Or, one might be equally puzzled about Biden’s grasp of reality after his poor debate performance against Donald Trump.

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, a multimillionaire, is out of touch with reality and Americans. She told a Yahoo Finance reporter that she is not concerned about the high cost of food. Americans are. Since Biden took office, his economic policies have driven food prices up more than 20 percent, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

During the Yahoo-Yellen interview, Americans learned that Yellen does her own food shopping. Yellen yakked to Yahoo to let Americans know that she is in touch with them at grocery stores. She also let Americans know that she does not feel their pain when paying more for food.

Yellen looks and sounds out of touch with Americans. And she seems unaware of how to get in touch with Americans. Yellen looks and sounds more like a political flunky than an Ivy League (Yale University) trained economist and a Harvard University professor.

Biden’s foreign policy team continues to worsen international crises. Biden’s U.N. Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield is lecturing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu about his leadership.

In November 2021, Thomas-Greenfield went to Israel, the West Bank and Jordan. She also visited a Palestinian refugee camp run by the discredited United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) for Palestinian refugees. UNRWA is the outfit that funded the Hamas massacre of Israelis on October 7, 2023. After the trip, she recommended increased funds for UNRWA’s terror campaign against Israel.

Speaking in the safety of anti-Semites at the United Nations, Thomas-Greenfield said Netanyahu’s real estate developments in Israel were “inconsistent with international law and only serves to weaken Israeli security.” Netanyahu did not agree.

Thomas-Greenfield said, “Advancing Israeli settlements in the West Bank is an obstacle to the achievement of a two-state solution — the end state we all want to see, as we seek to bring the fighting in Gaza to a close.”

Why would the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations support statehood for Palestinian terrorists? The world needs a terror state?

Like Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, Thomas-Greenfield believes that Hamas should be rewarded with statehood. This is shameful diplomacy and a sellout of American values.

David Friedman, Trump’s former U.S. ambassador to Israel, in a new book, says that after the October 7 massacre, there can be no Palestinian state. He calls for one Jewish state.

Trump, during the debate with Biden, passed on whether he would support a two-state solution. He responsibly said he would have to see a proposal before deciding.

A Trump/Friedman/Netanyahu proposal on Palestine would likely be a more equitable and enforceable approach to peace than anything proposed by Biden.  Palestinian statehood could become an explosive issue in the campaign.

If Biden declares a Palestinian state, it could quickly lead to the formalization of diplomatic relations between Palestine and Iran. Iran could position embassies on the former Gazan and West Bank borders with Israel.

In June, Canada designated the Iranian Revolutionary Guard a terrorist organization.

It is hoped Biden still has wits enough not to pursue Palestinian statehood during a presidential election.

Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro N. Mayorkas says the U.S. border with Mexico is secure. Talk about someone who is out of touch with reality!

Mayorkas says the Biden-Harris strategy for the border is working to keep Americans safe! With immigrants crossing the border daily, it is outrageous for a government official to make such a statement. It is understandable why he was impeached by the House of Representatives. Mayorkas, like Yellen and Thomas-Greenfield, causes Americans to distrust their government.

Biden says it is the right and compassionate thing to do to open the border for immigrants, or newcomers, from around the globe. Repeated reports of heinous crimes committed by immigrants are of no concern to Biden.

After Biden’s pitiful debate performance, there is strong talk in Washington that Democrats could nominate another presidential candidate. Kamala Harris? Hillary Clinton? Michelle Obama? Really?

If Democrats dump Biden, it won’t be because of his age. It will be due to his horrible policies that have damaged the U.S. economy, created foreign policy nightmares, and endangered the lives of Americans.

A Biden successor who supported these damaging policies or who was silent about them would likely lose to Trump. The best way for Democrats to dump Biden is to let him lose to Trump. Americans really need a Trump-Biden election.